Explore projects
biohack / BHA_SyringePump
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
biohack / BHA_Webcam_Microscope
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterBioHack Academy Microscope
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biohack / BHA_Webcam_Spectrophotometer
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterWebcam Based Spectrophotometer
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Jekyll repository that generates the BHA Syllabus
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An Arduino shield with stepper motor driver, MOSFETs (for heating elements or DC motors), connections for thermistors and rotary encoder
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Make / Fablab / Presentations / bis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Deck GL / Mapbox GL / React App for various Smart Citizens Lab projects at Waag (Hollandse Luchten / MUV / Gammasense / Amsterdam Sounds).
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This is the general forum for the BioHack Academy - Open an Issue onder "Issues" to raise a new topic
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Repository for gammasense instance of the data-on-map-app (as git submodule)
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Tom Demeyer / HEMS
MIT LicenseUpdated -